Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I Waddle When I Walk

So I did too many squats/lunges this week. I have a nice waddle that I'm trying to convince coworkers is "swag". I am not hardcore enough for that, so it doesn't usually work. 

We had some big changes up in our casa this winter. What might you ask? 

That would be my 3 pound lion head rabbit named Dean we rescued from the ARL. He is amazing, cuddly, mischevious, and adorable. 

That is his audition for rabbit Playgirl. 

I signed up for my first race for the spring on April 5. That means I should run a little, but it's still -7 today. So, I think I'll stay inside for a while longer. 

One more because you know you wanted it. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Can YOU 24?

So the holidays have been a bit crazy, but a good kind of crazy. We have been spending some lovely time with our family and friends and helping as many people as we can with Advocare. We also decided to start eating Paleo for the new year. So, there's some big changes.

Paleo? I feel awesome. We are shooting for 80% and I've been doing the best I can. All prepared meals have been Paleo, and we are finishing up some food around the house that might not be Paleo. 

Last night we tried the new at home workout DVD from Advocare, Can you 24?  Um, barely. That was intense, sweaty, and hard. It is everything I've always wanted in an at home workout. I hope everyone has the chance to try it. You won't be mad.

Also, Alex is cooking stir fry tonight while I watch One Tree Hill over and over again on Netflix.

Oh yeah, we also cut Dish. Bring it, 2014.